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Generate a photorealistic image of a fashion influencer. She is a kore…

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작성자 [꾸준함의 시작] 운영자
댓글 0건 조회 529회 작성일 24-06-20 10:38


Generate a photorealistic image of a fashion influencer. She is a korean young woman in her mid-20s with long, side-swept white hair and aquamarine eyes. She is cloning a minimalist, elegant evening gown and elegant high heels. She has a relaxed stance and is posing in front of a chic boutique with designer fashion. She holds a shopping bag and a credit card, indulging in retail therapy. The background includes trendy boutiques and unique fashion, with a trendy art gallery with contemporary exhibits and installations. 2K

이미지 프롬프트 : Generate a photorealistic image of a fashion influencer. She is a korean young woman in her mid-20s with long, side-swept white hair and aquamarine eyes. She is cloning a minimalist, elegant evening gown and elegant high heels. She has a relaxed stance and is posing in front of a chic boutique with designer fashion. She holds a shopping bag and a credit card, indulging in retail therapy. The background includes trendy boutiques and unique fashion, with a trendy art gallery with contemporary exhibits and installations. 2K

5738ec8dad6248611658fcf2c41c1186.jpg class=
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금일 이용 현황 0 / 3
총 112건 3 페이지

글 : 20P/20EXP 댓 : 1P/1EXP

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